What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone density and deterioration of the structure of the bone tissue leading to enhanced bone fragility and an increased risk for fractures (breaks).
What happens when I get osteoporosis?
You are at a significantly higher risk for fracture of your bones including your hip, vertebrae and wrist. In fact your risk of a hip fracture is greater than your chances of contracting breast, ovarian and uterine cancer combined.
Who is at risk for osteoporosis?
How do you diagnose osteoporosis?
The BEST way to diagnose osteoporosis is to have a bone density scan (DEXA) performed by a physician certified in bone mineral density testing. If you have any of the risk factors, you should have a baseline scan done. A scan can be repeated every two years to access your risk. This scan is entirely painless (similar to getting an x-ray).
What are my modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis?
If you are estrogen deficient, you should talk to your doctor about estrogen replacement therapy.
How can I reduce my risk of fractures if I already have osteoporosis?
This is a great question. Please see our Reducing your Fracture Risk page for more information.
Where can I get more information?
Visit the National Osteoporosis Foundation web site (nof.org), or call us at (321) 123-5555 to schedule an appointment for a personal consultation.
Please complete our osteoporosis history form. We request our new patients to fill out this form prior to obtaining a bone density scan.